taco bell quesarito copycat

Taco bell Quesarito, quesadilla plus burrito,

Taco Bell is probably to the real Mexican cuisine what Burger King is to the haute cuisine. It’s almost nothing to do with it. But we have to admit that outside of Mexico it is a reference in the fast food sector with Tex-mex flavor.

From its menu we have recreated the famous Quesarito one of the latest culinary «innovations» of its variety.

Quesarito is the combination of quesadilla and burrito, hence the name.

It’s quite simple to make and for those of us who don’t have a Taco Bell nearby and have a craving we can enjoy this recipe.

To our readers in Mexico, tell them that we already know that this is NOT Mexican food. It’s as if we wanted to admit that Jaimie Oliver’s «Paella con chorizo» is Spanish cuisine. We can also see some other tex-mex recipes such as Nachos with doritos cheese and an inexpensive starter

Recipe for Taco Bell Quesarito


Wheat tortillas (2 per person)
Grated cheddar cheese
250 grs minced meat
1/2 medium onion
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon paprika (sweet or spicy)
Taco seasoning
Red boiled beans
Cheese cream for nachos
Sour cream (or Creme fraiche with lemon)
Long boiled rice

In a frying pan put the onion to fry with a little salt until it becomes transparent

cebolla pochando


Add the minced meat and season with cumin, paprika and tacos mixture.

carne picada



Add about 100 ml of water when the meat is sealed and let it reduce the sauce for a few minutes.

Add the red beans or boiled beans, whatever you have at hand or like better.


Grill the beans with a fork so that they have a softer texture.

We reserve the mixture of meat and beans.

In a frying pan or grill put the first tortilla and spread the grated cheese on top of it, when we begin to see that the cheese begins to melt, place the second tortilla on top and let it brown a little underneath and turn so that all the cheese melts and the two tortillas are roasted lightly. If we spend too much time toasting it when closing the cheese becomes brittle.


We reserve and go doing the same with the rest of tortillas.

Once we have all the quesadillas ready, we go on to assemble the quesarito.

Spread a layer of boiled or spiced rice without being too thick.

Next we put the mixture of meat with beans or beans.

Put a layer of nachos cheese and cover with sour sauce or creme freich mixed with lemon.

We closed it carefully and put it on the plate to seal our quesarito.

quesarito plancha

We can add chiles, hot sauce or almost any other ingredient we can think of, it is to the consumer’s taste.

This dish is a complete dish, has more than 500 calories, and is a heavy pelin, so I do not advise you to eat it at night. Enjoy them.

Preparation time :20 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Price: $$


650 Cal


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